Mid-USA Current Catalog

ELECTRICAL SECTION RED PART NUMBERS INDICATE NEW PARTS 1-101 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 CONTENTS ELECTRICAL FRAME FRONT END CONTROL WHEEL ENGINE DRIVE TRAIN FUEL EXHAUST GENERAL REFERENCE Electronic Ignitions, Rev Limiter & Anti-Drop Relay REV LIMITER FOR MILWAUKEE-EIGHT® MODELS Part 82898 • 2 independent rev limiters for launch and high side engine over rev protection. • Creates a smoother rev limiter than stock. • Launch limiter adjustable from 2500-6250 RPM. • High side limiter adjustable from 5500-9250 RPM. • Holds launch limit at +/- 50 RPM for precise engine RPM limiting. • Direct plug in connection at coil. Legal In All Fifty States! Fits Milwaukee-Eight® 2017/Later ADJUSTABLE IGNITION MODULES FOR CARBURETED TWIN CAM & SPORTSTER • Plug-n-Play adjustable single fire Ignition Modules allow you to select the advance curve and RPM limit that best suits your engine’s needs. • 16 separate ignition curves permit the best performance without pinging, on anything from stock engines to high performance engines with forced induction or nitrous oxide. • 8 separate RPM limit settings to match the potential of your valve train. • Digital controlled by a microcomputer, to generate extremely accurate control over the entire ignition process. • Provides full support for the J1850 data bus used for communications with the instrument cluster & turn signal/security module found on 2004/Later models. • Compatible with the HD® scan tool to read sensor data & clear diagnostic codes. • Coil current is constantly monitored, to provide full spark energy. • Reverse battery and spike protection is built-in. • Compatible with the OE coil or performance coil/s with 1 OHM or less primary resistance. • Instructions included. Carbureted Models Rpls. HD Part # Twin Cam 1999/2003 32478-99A & 32568-00A 17533 Twin Cam 2004/2006 32478-04 & 32622-04 17635 Sportster 2004/2006 32478-04 17636 Easy Access Adjustments 17533 Not legal for sale or use in California, or on any pollution controlled vehicles.