Mid-USA Current Catalog

ELECTRICAL SECTION RED PART NUMBERS INDICATE NEW PARTS 1-123 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 CONTENTS ELECTRICAL FRAME FRONT END CONTROL WHEEL ENGINE DRIVE TRAIN FUEL EXHAUST GENERAL REFERENCE Spiral Suppression Plug Coil Core Core Model & Year Length End End Rpls. HD Part # Part # Big Twin 4 speed models 1965/1984, 7”, 17” 90O Straight 32093-98 18479 18469 Softail models1984/1999 & Dyna 1991/1998 FLH & FLT 5 speed models 8”, 20 1/2” Straight 90O 32091-98 18480 18470 1982/1996 FXR models 1982/Later 10”, 10” 90O 90O 32090-98 18481 18471 FLT, FLHT, FLHR & FLTR 1997/1998 19” 19” Straight 90O 32094-98 18483 18473 FLT, FLHT, FLHR & FLTR 1999/Later 21”, 21” 30O Straight 31932-99A 18484 18474 Dyna models 1999/Later 7”, 19” 90O Straight 31930-99A 18485 18475 Softail models 2000/Later 7”, 19” 90O Straight 32358-00A 18487 18477 All Sportster models (except 1200S) 8”, 20 1/2” Straight Straight 32092-98 18482 18472 1986/2003 Sportster Sport (4 plug) 1998/2003 21”(2), 24”(2) Straight 90O 32054-98 18486 18476 Sportster models 2004/Later 18 1/2”, 18 1/2” 90O Straight 31958-04 18488 18478 18480 18470 18484 18474 18486 18476 • Black spiral core and suppression core spark plug wires from the leader in racing technology. • The spiral core features Kevlar Core, which is 4 times the tensile strength of the normal aramid fiber wire core. • 304 stainless steel alloy conductor delivers the highest level of spark energy possible. • The suppression core features Klass Core (Kevlar and fiberglass yarns) coated with latex conductive coating. • Both the spiral core and suppression core wires are insulated with EPDM, a material which is UV stable and helps to resist cracking. • Both types also have 8mm jacket O.D. OE FIT 8MM SPARK PLUG WIRES FOR BIG TWIN & SPORTSTER Spark Plug Wires Description Part # Fits FLHR, FLTR, FLTRXS, FLHX, FLHTCU, FLTRU, FLHTK, FLHTKL, 18496 FLHXSE, FLHTKSE, FLRT, FLHTCUTG 2017/Later FLDE, Fat Boy FLFB, Fat Boy 114 FLFBS, Heritage Classic FLHC, 18497 Heritage Classic 114 FLHCS, Sport Glide FLSB, Softail Slim FLSL, StreetBob FXBB, Breakout FXBR, Breakout 114 FXBRS, Fat Bob FXFB, Fat Bob 114 FXFBS, Low Rider FXLR 2018/2019 • Ultra 40 sets the standard in high performance ignition wire. With optimized EMI (electro magnetic) and RFI (radio frequency) resistance, Moroso wire is used in the highest levels of racing. • At 40 ohms of resistance per foot, our 8.65mm Ultra 40 features a highly engineered, spiral-wound conductor that maximizes energy transfer and minimizes noise interference. ULTRA 40 IGNITION WIRE SETS FOR MILWAUKEE-EIGHT®